Provident Place

Provident Place Homes

Our homes are beautiful, warm and happy!

Provident Place currently has three caring homes for adolescent and adult males with developmental disabilities.  We serve our residents with great care, concern, respect and dignity.  To see pictures of our homes and the programs offered click on the links below. To learn more about our services please click here.

Cheshire Place

Ituma Place

Mariah Place


"I have been working in health care for over thirty years and have seen few ICF-DD homes that match the quality of compassionate care that Provident Place homes provide.  I would not hesitate to recommend these homes.  They are truly exceptional."

-- Colleen O'Neill

Recreational Therapist


"This was a great placement for Nathan... He has bonded with your staff and his friends there at the home."

--Nikki, Nathan's Mom